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Thanksgiving is just next week! It’s that time of year where you gather with family and friends to watch or play football, have a large food coma-inducing meal and create memories. It’s a perfect time for documenting being together. Maybe you’ve been doing that all along and want to show everyone old family videos at Thanksgiving. Whatever you’re doing for the holiday, you can use RealCloud to help make the most of it. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up four fun ways to video can augment your holiday dinner.
Stream Thanksgiving Videos
There is some great content online related to Thanksgiving. Whether you want to watch old Thanksgiving Day parade footage or want some educational content about the origin of the holiday, there are plenty of free-use videos available online. Visit sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and the Internet Archive to peruse their video libraries. Spending a few minutes to find these videos and save them to RealCloud will be a great source of entertainment for kids and adults. Just play them on your TV, tablet, or phone for them to watch and then you can spend time perfecting your stuffing for the big meal.
How to Upload YouTube Videos to RealCloud
1. If you don’t already have a RealCloud account, visit Real.com and download the app. It’s free and just takes a few minutes to install.
2. Once it’s installed, go to YouTube and search for “Thanksgiving.”
3. See a video you like? Great! Press play and when you see the blue RealCloud logo flashing at the top of your browser window, click it and then click Download This Video. The video will automatically be saved to your RealCloud account. Since the video is saved in the cloud, it doesn’t take up space on your computer and you can watch it on any RealCloud device.
Document and Instantly Share your Thanksgiving Experience
Anything can happen when you hang out with friends and family. Wouldn’t it be great to capture some of those memorable moments and share them with people who can’t be there? Thanks to the video camera on your smartphone, it’s easier than ever to document funny things that spontaneously happen. Today, lots of people don’t shy away from the camera. Just look at the countless numbers of videos online.
When you see something amazing happening at your holiday festivities – maybe it’s making a deep fried turkey or a Turducken – take out your phone and get ready to record and share.
How To Record and Share Mobile Videos Using RealCloud
1. Open the RealCloud app and login.
2. Click Record and Share A Video. You’re phone’s video camera app will start. Press record to start recording.
3. When you’re done, click the back button on your phone to return to the RealCloud app. The recorded video will appear as a thumbnail on the screen.
4. To share the video with friends or family who would love to see it, click the Share button. You’ll have the option to share it via email, text message, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link. Select the method you want and follow the prompts. The recipient doesn’t even need the RealCloud app to view the video – all they have to do is click on the video link and it will automatically play on whatever device they’re using.
Gather Around to Watch Family Videos
When family and friends gather together, it’s a great time to walk down memory lane. What better time to do it then after that big meal you just had? You probably have tons of old videos of family events, kid performances, and vacations that you’d love to watch together. Maybe you’ve already converted them to DVD or have them stored on your computer. That’s great, but who wants to lug a computer around just to watch videos? That’s where RealCloud is a handy little app. Just upload the videos to your RealCloud account and then you can access them anywhere. Once you’re ready to watch them, you can use the RealCloud app to stream them on the TV via Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, or Chromecast.
Get an Early Start on your Holiday Video Card
In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to make a creative holiday card that you can send to friends and family electronically. Why not get started on the project when you have everyone in one place? Take some time and use your smartphone to record video of the kids having fun at Thanksgiving. You can also group everyone together for the traditional family photo, but instead record a holiday video that wishes people a Happy New Year. Once you’ve recorded it, upload the video to your RealCloud account.
When you get home, you can download the videos into your favorite editing program to make the perfect holiday video card. When you’re done, you guessed it, you can use RealCloud to send it to everyone on your holiday list. Best of all, they’ll be able to view it regardless of what they use to watch it.
Getting together with friends and family for Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition that can be a ton of fun. It’s a great time to create and record memories that you can cherish and watch again at future festivities. Using RealCloud just makes it a seamless process. What will you be doing for Thanksgiving?