How To Download and Play MP4 Videos
Article updated March 14th, 2017
The MP4 format plays an increasingly important role in both downloading and playing video from the Internet, especially on mobile devices. Why? Simply put, MP4 allows for high-quality video to be delivered in a smaller size.
If the video isn’t in the MP4 format, it can be converted, and we’ll help you learn how to choose an MP4 converter, or even a free video to MP4 converter.
Digital technologies have created an explosion of video communications. People now have high-definition (HD) video cameras in their smartphones and can upload and share videos on social websites. Traditional broadcasters, cable outlets, and Hollywood studios are extending their reach through the Internet. Many online service providers are competing for their niche in this new world of online video.
As we become more reliant on these technologies, the MP4 format helps enable nearly everyone to be both a creator and a consumer of video applications. MP4 files also permit faster, more efficient distribution over the Internet.
There are certainly other ways to download MP4 videos available online, but RealPlayer Cloud and the included RealDownloader make it easy in as little as one click, and it’s free. Just about any content you can think of is available online. Whether you’re looking to download MP4 videos, MP4 music videos, YouTube videos as MP4, how-to’s, network TV shows, cute animal videos, sports, science, politics, the arts, corporate training or whatever – it can all be found online.
A word of caution: Be skeptical of websites offering free movie downloads, particularly of recent films. Hollywood isn’t in the business of giving away product.
Say you want to see the latest movie previews, referred to as trailers, before deciding to spend money at the theater. Not a problem. The major movie studios need to market their product, so they provide trailers, along with interviews and other background material to a number of websites to help sell their films.
ComingSoon, Fandango, Metacafe, and Traileraddict are just a few that offer access to watching and downloading MP4 movie trailers.
RealPlayer downloads MP4 files fast and easy.
In Firefox or Internet Explorer:
- Go to the website
- Select and play the video
- Place the cursor within the video frame
- A box reading “Download This Video” pops up in the upper right, above the video frame
- Click on it
- RealDownloader window opens and shows the progress of saving the video
- The video is automatically saved in the Library
In Google Chrome:
- Go to the website
- Click the flashing “down” icon in the top right corner of the browser
- A drop down menu will appear, containing all of the playable videos on the page
- Click “Download This Video” next to the video(s) you want
- RealDownloader window opens and shows the progress of saving the video
- The video is automatically saved in the Library
You’re done.

RealPlayer automatically prompts you to “Download This Video” when the cursor is within the frame of a video.
If you are looking for software to play mp4 files, it’s simple to play a MP4 download with the free RealPlayer Cloud desktop app.
Once you have the free application, double-clicking on the thumbnail in the RealPlayer Cloud Library opens the Now Playing window and plays the video in its native format and resolution. The “mp4” format identification is shown in the bottom right of the control bar.
Get more details about the clip by right-clicking on the thumbnail and selecting “Clip Info/Edit Clip Info.” It confirms the title, MP4 format, file size, quality (as Kbps), audio channels, screen dimensions, source, and where the file is stored.
Unfortunately, you often don’t. Although many social sites accept and encourage people to upload videos in the MP4 format, ultimately it’s at the discretion of the website. Flash (FLV) is still widely used on all types of sites. Commercial sites use what’s most economical and best for business. More and more that is MP4.
Download RealPlayer to Play MP4 Videos
Watch Your Videos Anywhere with RealPlayer
Want to access your movie library from any device? Download RealPlayer then you can watch your videos them on your phone, tablet, and even your TV with RealTimes. If you don’t have a free video downloader installed on your computer, just click the orange button on this page below to download RealPlayer free.
Stream your downloaded mp4 video in RealPlayer with RealTimes. Try it now for free to see how easy it is to organize and share your media from your phone to friends, family and co-workers.
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I downloaded the latest RealPlayer release around June 15th and most .mp4 format files -mostly You Tube- are not playable. I had no problem with the previous version of RealPlayer.
Hmmm… Today is June 12th. Do you mean Version 15? I think that’s the most current, but could be wrong about that.
Apparently there have been some reports of difficulties with MP4 files. Typically, it runs fine though.
One of RealPlayer Support’s suggestions is to add additional codecs such as Apple QuickTime or CCCP
I’m running v. 15, and have never had a problem with downloading or playing MP4 from any source. I do have both QuickTime and CCCP installed for various testing and comparison reasons.
Let us know if you find a solution, or are still having trouble.
It’d be good to do the same with Android version.
Check RealPlayer Android or info at Google Play. Maybe it’s already there.
Now my real player cannot dowload the file as .MP4. when i choose 1080P on youtube the real player still dowload as low quality. how to dowload the mp4 file from youtube by real player … TT
You got me! RP should download and play 1080p as 1080p. Try the usual routine of uninstalling all your RP apps, then download and install fresh versions. Install QuickTime while you’re at it. Can’t hurt.
Just to go through the motions, select the highest resolution for the clip at the very start.
I just do as you suggest but RP still download the 1080p and 720p as .flv . First time i got this laptop and installed RP it can download the file as .mp4 but after auomatic installing windows and wmp is unusal , RP is back to download all the file as .flv! How should i do? TT
I don’t know what the relationship between installing Windows and WMP has to do with downloading MP4 vs. FLV. That said, FLV is a file format container that can run H.264, which is the most popular codec on the Internet, and can indeed play 1080p and 720p HD video. You should be able to download and play a FLV 1080p or 720p HD. It would be unusual to have the choice of downloading a specific format. There certainly are sites where you can choose a format and even the codec, but most sites stick to a format, offering different resolution qualities.
What site are you downloading from? Is there something wrong with the FLV version of the video? I personally prefer MP4 because it’s from the MPEG-4 standard, but Flash with H.264 should be OK. What is the problem you’re having in playing FLV? Is QuickTime installed?
this really works it is really quick
Yeah, MP4/H.264 is very nice. It has become the most popular file former/codec combinations on the Internet. Look for a greatly improved codec, H.265 aka HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) to begin making wide ranging inroads, especially for mobile devices in early 2013. Also, check out Vimeo and YouTube for special 4k (4 times more resolution than 1080p) content using H.265.
I have RP version 15.0.6 and it will NOT play mp4 files downloaded from youtube. It just freezes and I have to restart the computer, which is a HUGE pain. Sould I get a mp4 to flv converter? If so, which one is best? Thanks.
Just a shot, but download and install QuickTime for Windows. QT seems to fix a number of MP4 issues with RealPlayer. I wouldn’t convert to FLV unless there was no other alternative. Let me know if it works.
I have RP v15.06.14, and when I download an FLV file and try to convert it for an iPod (MP4), I get a pop-up to upgrade to RP 16, but when I choose “No Thanks,” I get another pop-up that seems to be forcing me to get the “free” v16 and have to do some crap with Trial Pay.
How do I get around this and convert FLV to Mp4 so I can put it on my iPod?
Download and install QuickTime for Windows. You’ll then be able to convert To and From MP4, along with handling the H.264 codec for transfers to Apple products. Prompts for Trail Play and/or RP Plus should go away.
Go ahead and update RealPlayer 15 to the free version 16. There are several additional features you’ll find useful and it won’t cost you anything.
I can’t get RP16 to play any MP-4 videos at all. I paid the extra money for the premium version of the program thinking that would solve my problems but I still can’t do it. That was a waste of $40!
I get a message “A general error has occurred.” It then tells me to upgrade my software to the latest version. According to the software I have the latest version.
Tried opening RealPlayer Converter and I get an error message there “Could not covert…”
What did I pay $40 for.
I downloaded RP last night and it wouldn’t download any video – even from YouTube. When I moved the cursor over the video area, no option popped up to start download. Do I need to get rid of pop-up blocker?
Also, assuming I get it to work, can I queue multiple videos to download after the present one is done downloading?
If you’re using Chrome, switch to Firefox or IE. There are known problems with Chrome, which are being worked on. Try doing a clean REinstall of RealPlayer. Be sure to UNinstall all RealPlayer applications you may have on your machine. Do a restart. Download and install a fresh version of RP 16. Hopefully, that will resolve the download issue. No, the pop-up blocker isn’t a factor.
Yes, you can download multiple videos. It’s not quite a “queue” in the typical sense, where you would select several videos, and then execute the downloads in a sequence where video 2 doesn’t start downloading until video 1 is done. With the Downloader, you select the video, click “Download This Video” then find the next video and repeat the process. Do this for as many videos as you want. The downloads take place simultaneously, depending on the speed of the Internet connection and your computer. You’ll see the progress of each in the Downloader window.
You definitely should NOT have a problem playing MP4 files with RealPlayer 16 Plus. Plus also handles the H.264 codec, so conversions and transfers are also possible. These prompts to upgrade seem to happen every so often. Why, I don’t know. The only thing I can suggest is that you do a complete REinstall of RP 16+. Do an UNinstall of all RealPlayer software on your machine first, and Restart your machine. Then, download and install a fresh version of RealPlayer 16 Plus. Be sure to “Sign In” to activate PLUS.
If that doesn’t work for you, I’ll have to direct you to RealPlayer Support. You’ll have priority because you’ve paid for the premium version. Let us know how things go.
Hi Tom,
I left a comment yesterday here on my RP MP4 problem. However I don’t see the comment. Anyway as you suggested I uninstall RP and turnoff and restart my laptop and then I downloaded the latest version of RP but still not playing mp4 format. What else do you suggest to do? Please let me know I have very important videos and really need them. Please help.
There have been some problems with comments and responses being properly displayed. The techs are working on it.
For your MP4 problem, try installing QuickTime for Windows. That should both fix your MP4 playback problems, plus give you advanced conversion capabilities. This has been an ongoing problem with RealPlayers users being confused about MP4 playback and conversion capabilities.
If QT doesn’t work, get back to me. This problem exists wirg RP 15 and 16′ but RP 16 Plus should be fine. You just don’t need to spend the extra money for the MP4 feature.
Hi, thanks for the post.
Question: Why the *.mp4 don’t work when I want to display it on a HTML5 tag?
I’m using the correct code to display it
Hi Alexandra,
Videos downloaded from an HTML5 site will have the file extension .webm. To play a .webm file you will need to download the codec:
1. Download codec from this link: http://code.google.com/p/webm/downloads/detail?name=webmdshow-
2. Extract the contents of webmdshow-
3. Install using the file Install_webmdshow.exe
This is an install package and will run once downloaded. If file does not run automatically, double-click it and the file will start installing.
If that doesn’t work, please send an email to help@real.com so that we can help further.
I spent a couple of days to install and uninstall Real Player many times without success. I saw your posting and hope that you can help. I installed Real Player 16 (free version) for my Windows 8 64 bit laptop and when I click on a MP4 file to play, I only get a pop up to tell me to upgrade to Plus. I clicked NO THANKS then I got another pop up for other promotion. I clicked close and then I am back to the original library list. This is in a loop that no matter how many times I tried I am just getting the pop up. I contacted support and was told to install Quick Time and it will resolved the problem. I did that but my problem didn’t go away. But with Real Player 16, I can download video from web without problem, I just can’t play video. I then uninstall and install Real Player 15 instead and it plays mp4 no problem but won’t download video from the web. Can you help?
Hi Sue,
Sorry for the trouble, please make sure that the RealPlayer plug-in is enabled in your browser by following this link: http://real.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/8883.
If that doesn’t help, send an email to help@real.com so that we can help further.
I just downloaded the new version of Real Player and downloaded MP4 videos to my library but they do not play and also they do not convert to MP3 Audio ( uuuh obviously I know) like i was able to with ones downloaded as flv from Youtube.
How can i achieve what i want ie to play the videos in my realplayer or windows media and convert to music only for use on making my own videos.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Alan,
Sorry for the inconvenience, our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on it, however as a workaround please try this step.
Try installing QuickTime player by following this link: http://www.apple.com/quicktime
After installing QuickTime player re-download the video and try playing it on RealPlayer.
Please let us know your progress, and if you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
yes I already have Quicktime installed.
In my Real Player downloads file in ‘My videos’ Windows file I notice that these files in detail view do not show up with the little ‘r’ mini logo against them like the Flash video files downloaded from Youtube, these Mpeg movie files have the Quick time mini logo against them. However they do not play in there either. it shows 00.00/0.00 in the time frame in quick time but in realplayer the relevant downloaded mp4 shows the player playing for the 5.01 time frame playing from 0.00 to 5.01 but nothing showing or sound .
Hi Alan,
Thank you for replying.
As I have mentioned already our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on a global fix soon.
i downloaded a particular mp4 video from youtube and it will not play in any of my media players. other mp4s do play, so i wonder if this particular video is encoded in such a way that it cannot really be downloaded and played.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1qHVVbYG8Y as an example
Hi Ydaltak,
Sorry for the inconvenience, our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on it, however as a workaround please try this step.
1) Make sure you are Signed into RealPlayer.
2) Ensure all updates are installed.
3) Still an issue, install Quick Time.
4) Redownload the MP4.
5) If file is from Camcorder – It may not work.
Please let us know your progress, and if you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
I have noticed exactly the same problem asYdaltak. Basically all MP4 files downloaded from YouTube with RealDownloader are not playable with any of my media players (I have MediaPlayer, QuickTime and RealPlayer installed on my PC). With QT and RP there is only a black screen and no sound even though the progress bar indicates the the video is played and with MP there is an error message saying that Windows Media Player cannot play the file.
I also have another observation that may not be directly related with Real team, but maybe they can provide some comments on that too. I have several hundreds videos dowloaded from YouTube with earlier version on RealDownload and all those files are stored in Flash (FLV) format. Now when I download a video from YouTube it’s always stored in MP4 format and there is apparently no way to change the format at the RealDownloader. So the question is that has YouTube recently changed the format of all videos at their servers or are there some changes implemented the latest version of RealDownloader that prevent storing the videos in FLV format?
Many thanks for you assistance!
Hi Kozel,
Sorry for the inconvenience, our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on it, however as a workaround please try this step.
Try installing K-Lite codec and QuickTime Player.
To install K-Lite codec:
QuickTime Player:
Use alternate browser or RealPlayer web browser to download videos.
Having installed the latest version of RealPlayer I noted that on loading RealPlayer, home screen clicking the top left corner and selecting preferences the previous “Recording and Download” choice no longer appears at the bottom as previous, it only reads “Recording”.
However i did find that by opening Real Downloader the facility appears by clicking top left>preferences. Selecting the first box to have the download this video button appear on videos does not make the button appear. I have switched off and restarted and still no luck.
This worked last week and does not work since installing the latest Adobe flash player update yesterday.
My operating system is Widows XP with Internet Explorer 8.
In managing add-ons, Flash Player v 11.7.700.169 and RealNetworks Download and Record Plug-in for Internet Explorer v are both enabled.
I have down loaded the K-lite codec full and on the download screen preferences changer the down load to “downloaded to Pc or Mac” and the button comes up but then the Realdownloader screen will not come up!!
Help !
Hi Alan,
Please send an email to help@real.com Include a brief description of the issue, and copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
Running windows 7 home premium 64 bit on an HP machine.
Within the past week or so, probably after a windows update, “Real Player” now refuses to play the audio of any FLV videos. Including those shown on the RP main library screen.
They all work just fine in winamp and VLC and a couple of other players as well as windows live movie maker, but not windows media player.
I have installed various codec packages including k-lite, which reported a couple of broken ones.
Did a system restore and a few other things and still no audio.
So what is the fix?
Hi Suwannee,
We’ll need to get more information about your setup. Please send an email to help@real.com so that we can help you further.
I have gone through the uninstall and reinstall process a few times with the latest version of Realplayer. I have downloaded 4 files now from youtube (mp4) and they are all the correct size. When I attempt to play through RP, they are blank video’s and no sound.?? Any suggestions?
Hi Steve,
Sorry for the inconvenience, our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on it, however as a workaround please try this step.
1. Open IE —> Tools —> Manage Add-ons —> Toolbars & Extensions —> Show All add-ons.
2. Disable Shockwave Flash Object
3. Close window
4. Go to http://www.youtube.com
5. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adpbe Flash Player’
6. Go through the process of updating Adobe Flash Player
7. Once completed, close & re-open IE
8. Go back to Manage Add-ons & ‘Enable’ Shockwave Flash Object
9. Close & re-open IE
10. Attempt to download. Now files should get downloaded in .FLV format.
If that doesn’t work, send an email to help@real.com so that we can help you further.
After spending numerous days and hours am completely out of ideas what happened with Real Player download functionality.
Not so far it started download video files from sites what i used for year, in MP4 format without sound at all. Before, it was manage to download usually in FLV format. Not anymore…
Am running Windows 7 64 bit and all possible solutions was try already. Still not result. Weird thing made me curious, specially when i realize one particular video was downloaded in April 29 as FLV video and perfectly playable on everything’s, and after an upgrade for Real Player, it try to download it as MP4 on may 7h but not sound at all.
Here a link / http://youtu.be/aeouepHxNr8 /. Than i find same result with many other web sites what i used to download video clips with Real Player.
I install and reinstall numerous times both v.15 and 16 .Also used standalone dowloader. It still refuse to download/convert audio stream on MP4 files, downloaded from sites what work last cpl years before. I have latest K-Lite codec pack instated and also all last version from Adobe Flash Player. Everything enabled in Manage Add-on and Active X filtering turned off. Was tested on last versions of IE9 and IE10, with Firefox 21.0.
As i mention that , it happened in last cpl weeks after upgrading to last Adobe Flash and Real Player itself.
I was able using alternative software called YTD , to download same video on top of my post with much better quality and Audio #0 : AAC at 192 Kbps 2 channels, 44.1 KHz
Real Player at any settings download only video, even at website clip play sound perfect and it YouTube posted:
367 Kbps,640*360 (16:9) @29.970 fps, AVC (Main@L3.0)(Cabac /3 Ref Frames)
Plz need help to clarify that. If it temporary problem and gonna be fixed by devs or permanent? Reason for that , because i cannot use YTD at some sites. Only Real Player was working and i been happy with that and really don’t like to see it become useless now. Thank you in advance.
Hi Alex,
Our technical team is aware of this issue and working on it. This issue will be resolved at the earliest.
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Okay not to sound rude, but how long is your technical team going to take to fix this issue? They’ve been aware of it and working on it for at least a month now, and I haven’t gotten any help from the work around procedures you listed.
I have recently download the newest version of real player and it wont play any mp4 videos.
What do I do?
Unlike the real player a couple years ago which plays most files, the latest one doesn’t.
It also wont sync the videos I added to my computer recently into real player section video. I have to drag my video in there.
Hi Seobie,
Our technical team is aware of this issue and working on it. However, try the workaround steps from this link: https://real.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9853
The solution for downloading and playing mp4-files:
1. Open IE —> Tools —> Manage Add-ons —> Toolbars & Extensions —> Show All add-ons.
2. Disable Shockwave Flash Object
3. Close window
4. Go to http://www.youtube.com
5. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adpbe Flash Player’
6. Go through the process of updating Adobe Flash Player
7. Once completed, close & re-open IE
8. Go back to Manage Add-ons & ‘Enable’ Shockwave Flash Object
9. Close & re-open IE
10. Attempt to download. Now files should get downloaded in .FLV format.
Now flv-files will be downloaded und I can play them.
Thank you.
still could not download mpeg4 files..
i mean i could download.. but when i tried to play it still having same problems as others.. it just won’t play.. not really sure if it is due to some download problem in youtube or other unidentified matters.. 🙁
Hi Elle,
Please send an email to help@real.com with a brief description of the issue to assist you further.
dear JuHa
Have tried what you are saying before and again today.
Am I the only one this solution does not work for ?!!
Have done this both on Pc Windows Xp with IE and on Laptop with Windows Vista and still the same. except now on downloader I get a message “No supported tracks found.”
Same as everyone I was happy with Realplayer before , did everything I wanted. This Is so annoying, so i hope the tech team get this fixed soon.
Hi SM,
Our technical team is aware of this issue and currently working on it. However, try the troubleshooting steps provided in this link: https://real.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9853
If there is anything else we can help with, please send an email to help@real.com.
Hi Arcturys,
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue.
Hi Alan,
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue.
Dear JuHa….. I tried what you suggested and it worked > But only for about a day > But many THANKS for your interesting > Worked for a little while TIP > Because i was able to Download a lot of video’s that i had been wanting to > But was not able to untill i read your comment (Tip) > So many THANKS AGAIN.
Dear JuHa….. this is a “GOOD UPDATE” to my previous comment that i posted for you. I decided to go back and go through the process AGAIN that you recommended > And in so doing I discovered that for some reason I had lost the UPGRADE to my Adobe Flash Player > So all I had to do was “UPGRADE IT AGAIN” > And so now I am back in business THANKS TO YOU.
Yep me too, have tried all solutions on this page but still can’t play ANY recent You Tube MP4 files
Hi Therese,
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue.
Please send an email to help@real.com with a brief description of the issue and we can assist you further.
I want to download the videos in .flv format but it becomes .mp4 when the download is finished :'(
that downloaded .mp4 vids also cannot be played by any video player ;'(
Hi Pikah,
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue. However, here are some steps we think might resolve the issue.
Workaround steps for Internet Explorer
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click on Tools
3. Go to Manage Add-ons
4. Disable Shockwave Flash Object
5. Close & reopen Internet Explorer
6. Go to http://www.youtube.com and play the video you want to download
7. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adobe Flash Player’ (Ignore this message)
8. Attempt to download. Now files should get downloaded and are playable
If that doesn’t work, send an email to help@real.com so that we can help you further.
This is the 4th time you mention to “4. Disable Shockwave Flash Object” and then “7. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adobe Flash Player’ (Ignore this message)”. Now if you mind, could you please let me/us know how to bypass the message saying that “Adobe Flash Player is required to play the video / Download the last version of Flash Flayer” which prevents you from peforming step number 8. Txs in advance.
Hi Jose,
Sorry for the inconvenience, please be informed that we have already tested these steps with few customers and it worked on their computers. Even after disabling the Shockwave Flash Object plug-in, the YouTube videos are playing in Internet Explorer. If the videos doesn’t play, kindly enable the plugin back and wait for our team to find a permanent fix for this issue.
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com
Guys, by now you should be well aware that RealPlayer Downloader 16 has a serious bug in it. I count numerous repeats of the same issue in the thread above. Essentially the new version has a critical flaw and doesn’t download MP4 in usable format. You haven’t solved it in a month.
How about following prudent IT practice and rolling back to the earlier versions that did work, RP Downloader 15 or earlier, until you have a fix and can either re-release version 16 or jump to version 17.
Please do something about it asap.
Hi Craig,
Thank you for your valuable feedback and support.
Our technical team is working on this issue and it will be resolved at the earliest.
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com
I having problems using Leawo converter .mp4 to.flv, I seen the video but not a sound, I try various sound formats in this software that before it was not an issue but it record the video to .flv but no sound. Can someone help me in this matter please. Thank you
Well having spent money on Real Player and also upgraded I too join the long queue of people unable to download and convert Mp4 videos from You Tube.
I have done everything that has been suggested in mails over the last months and still unable to sucessfully download on any of my three computers. of course non Mp4 continue downloading and converting in the normal manner.
When oh when will this be solved?
Not sure that this is a RP problem, and not a website problem. Try downloading the DIVX player from DIVX and see if the mp4 vids you’re having trouble with will play in that. So far, I’ve found it to work with those mp4s I was having the same problem with…
Hi Roy,
sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue.
However, try few work around steps provided in this link to fix this issue: https://real.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9853/
If that doesn’t help, send an email to help@real.com to assist you better.
If you need help using the RealPlayer to convert .mp4 to .flv let us know and we can help.
Hi all,
The latest workaround seems to work at least for me. When I disabled the Shockwave add-on and installed the latest version of Adobe Flash Player I can now download and play the MP4 files via the Real Download interface. Thanks!
A warning however: If you enable the Shockwave add-on again, the download process fails and there seems to be no other option to fix this than reinstalling the Flash Player.
the reason why real player does not play ue mp4 videos is simply this……realplayer uses quicktime to play mp4 files …just download t latest version of quicktime n install it ….realplyer will play all ur mp4 files after that…simple
when you download stuff on youtube and it is mp4, its doesn’t play. it is difficult because the last few weeks every uploaded video is mp4
Hi Rick,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue. However, try few work around steps for Internet Explorer to fix the issue:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on Tools.
3. Go to Manage Add-ons.
4. Disable Shockwave Flash Object.
5. Close & reopen Internet Explorer.
6. Go to http://www.youtube.com/ and play the video you want to download.
7. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adobe Flash Player’ (Ignore this message).
8. Attempt to download. Now files should get downloaded and are playable.
You workaround dated June 18th, 2013 does not work. I cannot get past item 7:
7. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adobe Flash Player’ (Ignore this message).
8. Attempt to download. Now files should get downloaded and are playable.
It will NOT let me past your instruction to “ignore this message.”
Hi J Chilvers,
We have a reported issue were several customers are experiencing the same issue which you are facing. Our support team is aware of this and working on high priority to resolve it at the earliest. However, I don’t have an ETA in this regard. Once it is fixed, you will be notified by our support team.
I have the latest version of Real Player and it does not play mp4 videos.
Hi John,
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue. However, try few work around steps provided in this link to fix the issue:
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Hello friends,
I think RP has nothing to do with this problem, it’s youtube that has rendered the videos practically unplayable for any media player. I explain here why, Some 8 months ago I uploaded a video of my property and it was FLV format, now if I try to download it, it’s MP4 after download and unplayable..!!
Second point; Some months ago I downloaded FLV videos normally using RP15 , today when I try to download the same same videos using the same links and the same RP15, today those downloaded files are in MP4 formats which a few months ago used to be FLV.
All this leads to believe that YouTube has screwed everything…!!
But on other sites, other than youtube, I still use RP15 and most of the times (90%) it downloads normally FLV files as always..!! Now, little by little I’m trying not to use youtube anymore..!!
My realplayer only downloads in mp4 format instead of the FLV. How do we get back the older version so we can see what we have downloaded. the MP4 format is taking up space but not playing.
I can play the MP4 files downloaded with Real Player in Sony Media Go but I only get the video part and not the audio ??
Can you help with the sound part.
Hi Don Readel,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue. However, try few workaround steps provided in this link to fix the issue: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23698236
Hi Rafik,
Please provide us some more information about the problem to assist you further.
1. What is the format of the downloaded video?
2. Do you get any error message while playing the video in RealPlayer?
3. Does it happen to all the videos?
Thank You! Real Player Team. It does seem the problem is with the Flashplayer. I followed the workaround below. Downloaded a video and walla! It works. Here is the work around from the link. Good luck people.
The following steps should work for customers who are on Windows 7 or 8 and are using Internet Explorer (version 9 or higher) to download videos.
1. Click the Tools (gear) icon at the top right of the browser and select Manage Add-ons.
2. Under Adobe Systems, click on “Shockwave Flash Object” and click the Disable button that appears at the bottom right of the window.
3. Close the Manage Add-ons window.
4. Go to http://www.youtube.com.
5. It will prompt you to “Upgrade Adobe Flash Player”–ignore this message.
6. Try downloading a video. It should successfully download and play in RealPlayer.
Like most of the people here, I cannot play AT ALL mp4 files downloaded from YouTube using RP version 16. Gomplayer, shows only video but no audio. I’ve downloaded and installed Quicktime already. Some of you suggested a way round which does not work for me (Windows 7).
1. Open IE —> Tools —> Manage Add-ons —> Toolbars & Extensions —> Show All add-ons.
2. Disable Shockwave Flash Object
3. Close window
4. Go to http://www.youtube.com
5. It will prompt to ‘Upgrade Adpbe Flash Player’
6. Go through the process of updating Adobe Flash Player
7. Once completed, close & re-open IE
8. Go back to Manage Add-ons & ‘Enable’ Shockwave Flash Object
9. Close & re-open IE
10. Attempt to download. Now the files ARE STILL IN mp4. NO VIDEO, NO AUDIO with RP. ONLY VIDEO with Gomplayer and Windows Media Player. Seems RP 16 is the worst among the competitors.
Any further help pleaaaaaase ???
Hi Chris,
Since the workaround steps doesn’t help, I suggest you to wait until our team research a fix. Our team is working hard to research a fix for this.
Thank you for your patience and will contact you as soon as we have news on the issue.
I am using Real Player 16 on my latptop with Windows 7 & Internet Explorer 10. Since the last 1 month whenever I try to download some video from you tube (via Download this video option) Realplayer automatically downloads as MP4 file. I am unable to play this. There is no audio or video. Quick time also cannot play this
Tried all the suggestions given on the Real Player website, but still the problem exists. I posted this issue earlier, but did not get response
hello there, I also recently purchased RP Plus 16 and can’t download MP4’s from Youtube. I get a general error message. I have windows 7 and explorer 8 and quick time installed. I don’t fancy the “workaround solution” which does not seem to be reliable. I think your customers have been incredibly patient! Can you please provide us with a estimated time when this major problem will be solved?
Hi Swamy,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with YouTube to resolve the issue. However, try few workaround steps provided in this link to fix the issue:
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Hi askjacqui,
Please be informed that we have already tested the workaround steps with few customers and it worked on their computers. Even after disabling the Shockwave Flash Object plug-in, the YouTube videos are playing in Internet Explorer. If the videos doesn’t play, kindly enable the plugin back. Sorry, we don’t have any ETA when this issue will be resolved, however our support team is working on high priority to resolve it at the earliest. Once it is resolved you will be notified by our support team.
I paid for the upgrade to Real Player and regret it. I cannot get it to work. I have reinstalled it 6 times, was told to uninstall real player and just use downloader, can’t find it on my computer, oh, found it, will not open to see what it is doing, it is there but has no display. Tech support SUCKS and said they were open till 5 PST, lie! Texas time of 5:20 – (3:20PST) gone! Looked all over internet, check accelerators – a-ok, still not working. Worked, then did not, then wanted me to upgrade, did already, upgrade again, can’t, logged in, still piss poor and will not download videos, will not play mp4, will not convert mp4, WHAT PART OF PISS POOR IS NOT UNDERSTOOD? Looking for something else. Worked with computers for MANY years, and they are piss poor.
Hi Elle,
Sorry, we don’t have any ETA when this issue will be resolved, however our support team is working on high priority to resolve it at the earliest. Once it is resolved you will be notified by our support team.
Hi Jerry,
Please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
I downloaded different videos on YouTube but it turned out to be unplayable and ‘A General Error has occurred’ appears. It won’t also play on other players.
However, when I downloaded the same videos using a different downloader, they work and can be played just fine. Even RealPlayer can play it if I chose to open the video with it.
Why is it that when I use Realdownloader to download a video, it won’t play but there’s no problem when I use a different downloader? I am using RealPlayer 16 on my laptop with Windows 7. Please help.
Hi Jules,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve the issue. Meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
Realplayer Team
Can I please just have an older version of Realplayer since all the steps and solutions you offered simply aren’t working?
Dear Real Player Team
Please think again. This is NOT exclusively to do with You Tube. I regularly download clips from BoardGameGeek, they used to download as flvs, now they download as MP4s but the catch is that no player can play them. This is therefore a RealPlayer problem. In despair at how long this is taking to put right, I uninstalled Realplayer 16 and reinstalled Realplayer 15 but guess what…..with IE10 I can no longer download using 15. Great job – we are all locked into 16 when 15 worked perfectly well. Heads should be rolling at Realplayer……..
Hi Alex,
Even with the older version of RealPlayer you can’t dowload .MP4 videos from youtube. This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve the issue. Meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
Looking for some help please.
Problems with .MP4 files downloaded from Youtube.
Download button shows on Youtube and seems to work. You can see the download progress.
Problem occurs when trying to play the downloaded videos and all problems are with the .MP4 file format.
No problem with .FLV files.
Read thru this comment section and also read thru the temporary solution.
Have included examples below to hopefully assist whichever entity might be having the problem (RealPlayer, Youtube, FlashPlayer or Quicktime).
My system info:
Windows XP SP3
Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702
Real Player (win32) Version
RealDownloader V
Quicktime V 7.7.4 (1680.86)
Flash Player 11.7.700.224
Redownloaded Quicktime & Flash but have not reinstalled Realplayer. It is as current as your last automatic update.
Playing in RealPlayer:
Some .MP4 downloads from Youtube can be opened in RealPlayer & will play fine (get video & sound)
Some .MP4 downloads from Youtube will not display. You can see the name of the video above the play/pause button & you can see the counter increase and play position bar advances but no video or sound.
Playing In Quicktime:
Some .MP4 downloads from Youtube will play fine (get video & sound).
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EkbNH4hnns
Some .MP4 downloads from Youtube have no videoor sound (just black screen) even though counter continues to increase and play position bar advances.
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leohcvmf8kM
In Windows Explorer if double click on file:
Some .MP4 downloads will not display the video screen & you only see the top & bottom controls of the Quicktime screen. (obviously no screen so no video or sound.)
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0gUpzFPxk4
Realplayer Team
I downloaded different mp4 videos on YouTube.this all video sound not working.so do the needful.
Hi Liz,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve the issue. Meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
Hi Chitharanjan,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve this issue. Meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link:
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Hi Mark,
Sorry, Internet Explorer 10 is not compatible for RealPlayer 15. We are aware of the download issue, our support team is working on high priority to resolve it at the earliest. Once it is resolved you will be notified by our support team. Thank you for your patience.
Realplayer Team – I understand you you keep replying with, “Try this temporary Solution”
Well – The Solutions not working.
Can you please just give me a link to download an older version of Realplayer – If it doesn’t work, then shame on me. But let me try and atleast fail, because the current default solution you keep going is failing anyway. Humor me please, just let me and these people try it.
Hi Alex,
Please be informed that this issue is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve the issue. You can download the older version of RealPlayer by following this link: http://cache-download.real.com/free/support/win/15/RealPlayer.exe
if you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Realplayer Team – I think you’ve misdiagnosed what’s happening.
Some songs that I’ve downloaded are listed as MP4 when I view them in the RP library, and won’t play when I click on them, as others repoer – BUT – if I open the folder holding these files, they are labeled as RP files and WILL play in RP if I click on them in that window. Also, some RP files in that folder are not appearing in the library in RP, and when I click on some songs in RP ;ibrary and go to “find file” RP says it can’t fimnd the file even though it is in the file folder . You’ve got some RP issue that goes far beyond file formats being presented by You Tube.
Oh, and the workaround at your page below, seems impossible. The RP download button won’t even appear if the youtube video isn’t playing, and the video won;t play with the flaash add-on disabled.
I have a real plus 16, but it cannot play mp4 files and also cannot convert them to other formats. Please show me a solution.
Hi aa_r,
This is due to changes made at YouTube and we are working with them to resolve the issue. In the meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer): https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23698236
If that doesn’t help, send an email to help@real.com to assist you better.
Thank you. Now it fonctions perfectly.
The temporary solution at: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23698236 does not address the problem for Windows Vista (only Windows 7 or 8). I tried the solution anyway, but it did not work on my system. Any idea when a resolution will be available?
Hi Anne,
Our Technical team is actively working on this issue. When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will let you know and provide any instructions that may be necessary.
Hello Elayne,
Some sites have introduced a new streaming standard and we are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will send you an email to let you know, and to provide any instructions that may be necessary.
If you have additional questions, email us at help@real.com.
Hi Harry,
Some sites have introduced a new streaming standard and we are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will send you an email to let you know, and to provide any instructions that may be necessary.
If you have additional questions, please send an email to help@real.com.
Hello Daryl,
Some sites have introduced a new streaming standard and we are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. In the meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will send you an email to let you know, and to provide any instructions that may be necessary.
Hello Margs,
Let me inform you, YouTube and other sites have introduced a new streaming standard and we are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. In the meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will send you an email to let you know, and to provide any instructions that may be necessary.
Real Player can’t reproduce mp4 files that Real Download from youtube
I’m working with Windows 8 64bits
I try with several videos, and Real says “Ha ocurrido un error general” and can’t solve the issue
Hello Mike,
YouTube and other sites have introduced a new streaming standard. We are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. In the meantime, you can try the temporary solution provided in this link (if you are using Internet Explorer):
When we have an update on the status of this issue, we will let you know.
Correction: The link above works for me,at least for now!,thanks!
Correction again: Now I can not open videos in YouTube,it says:”This video is unavailable”…….back to square one! 🙁
Hi Alberto,
Some sites have introduced a new streaming standard and our technical team is actively working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. We will keep you posted if there is any update.
Hi all of you loyal Real Player Fans…………Isn’t it wonderful to know that you can update and update and get all the plus features including being able to covert MPEG 4 to MPEG 3; triming slicing etc. and then one day you find out that NOTHING WORKS. You upgrade and then you find that you no longer have download and record (I think) and then one day you find out that you no longer have the download feature over your video that you are trying to download. Then you have to go through all the trouble to find out what is wrong when Real Player advertises just download basic real player and you will be able to play MPEG 4 and all different formats. Just click on download and instant play. So we find out that we have to to through Real Player to File to Web Browsers to You Tube in order to get the download button – we are all excited and then try to play the video only to find out that there is a error message and you can’t play the song. Then you see the buttom that says do you wish to convert to another format and you say great only to find out that you don’t have enough disc space or some stupid thing. So now you are back to square one…………so they ask do you you have Quick Time well you may be able to play it through that or maybe you can’t do it because you have Widows XP or Windows 7 and of course maybe it is because you have the shock object enabled and it should be disabled; or maybe you should just get rid of flash drive………………I spent over 35 minutes with a technician at work the other day while he dictated and I deleted adn reinstalled internet exployer only to find out that that did not solve my problem with getting a download buttom to appear over a video from You Tube. Nothing is simple anymore………….first Webshots left……….still sore about that and now ther is nothing but problems with Real Payer. When you buy a computer to take to work just you can play you tube music videos and find out that you can no longer do this it makes your blood boil. So we will all hang in there while we are all bitting my lips waiting to see if Real Player finally fixes its problem with being able to play MPEG4 videos in Real Player and that is only if you can download them. I guess we will ahve to delete all the videos we have downloaded already and start all over again when what ever it is that is wrong is fixed. I am no computer genius and I can barely keep up with Iphone. I just felt I had to express my thoughts today. I guess when I hit the submit button it will not take this comment because I don’t know what website I am on (my mind is gone spending days trying to fix issues which are not mine. Thanks and everyone have a great day!
Please be informed that YouTube and other sites have introduced a new streaming standard. We are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format and expect to release a fix in mid-August.
Well its past the mid August mark. Where is the update. All these movies I have downloaded from YouTube I can not watch because they all seem to be MP4 or whatever. How much loanger will it take?
Why did you delete my question? I want to know why you don’t have a fix for the MP4 problem yet? You told use you would by mid August. Someone else said its been going on from April?
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Let me inform you that, YouTube and other sites have introduced a new streaming standard. Essentially, the files that are being downloaded are not actually MP4s but a new streaming format that is being misidentified as MP4. We are working on an update to RealPlayer that will allow for this new format. We expect to release a fix with the next RealPlayer 16 build in late-August.
Try to update your RealPlayer by following:
1. Open RealPlayer.
2. Click the RealPlayer logo and click on Check for Update:
– If the Message Center window appears, click Update to get the latest version of RealPlayer.
– If the AutoUpdate window appears, scroll through the list, select RealPlayer or any plug-ins that you want to update, and click Install. Plug-ins will install automatically.
After that try to download any video and play it using RealPlayer. If the issue still persists, let us know.
Hi Scott and everyone else that is still frustrated about Real Player and not being able to find download button and then if you go through Real Player and file to find new browser you will most certainly be able to download but then it will not play. Here is what I have found and do not understand.
1. I have Windows XP at work – I have the lastest downloads that Real Player 16 Plus has to offer –
2. At home I have Windows 7 – Latest downloads available – I am able to download you tube videos from home and they will play but cannot download at work.
I don’t know if it is a difference in the operating systems – The one thing that I have not been able to do with either computer is to convert MPeg 4 to MPeg 3. As a matter of fact I can’t convert anything on Real Player no matter what version. This is very disturbing since you pay for the service.
I too have been patiently waiting for this fix. Everything was working just fine until MAYBE and I say MAYBE you tube changed their format. Life just is not as simple as it once was.
We will all just sit and wait – I have done everything that has been suggested to be able to download like I used to and nothing works. Most of all the new music videos will download if you go through Real Player – File new browser but when you go to play them back you get an error message.
I don’t know about anyone else but I am about to start looking for some other program that will download and play music videos. I used to love Real Player but am losing interest real quick.
If I see another message that says try this or make sure you have the latest everything I think I will scream. I am waiting to see them send me a message saying upgrade this and your problem is fixed.
Then then……………….we shall all be waiting and still trying to fix this issue.
My realplayer is up tp date and still can’t play the mp4’s I downloated
Try uninstalling and reinstalling RealPlayer by following this link: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23994572 (Delete the RealPlayer folders as mentioned in the link before reinstalling RealPlayer) and enable the RealPlayer plug-in in your browser by following: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23689856-Download-This-Video-option-does-not-appear
After that try to re-download the videos and play it using RealPlayer. Let us know if the issue still persists.
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
Udated ( with add ons ) Video plays now with no errors but there is no sound.
Please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
I have many vidios in my lybrary that I download from YouTube but the MP4 vidios will not play back.
Will this mean the end of Realplayer if you can’t come up with a fix? 5 months and stll not fixed. Come on Realplayer team.
Try to update RealPlayer by following this link: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23698236-Unable-to-play-back-downloaded-mp4-files then enable the RealPlayer plug-in in your browser: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23689856 After that try to re-download the videos. This should resolve the problem.
If the issue still persists, please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
realplayer is still not playing youtube videos
Please provide us some more information about the problem to assist you further.
Hi , I got your email in response to my previous complaint months ago about not being able to Download and play mp4’s from YouTube saying that you had at last done a fix. I was so happy BUT but having followed the instruction to update my version 16 and install the latest they download as mp4 BUT still do not play in RealPlayer. Aaah!!
can not transfer YouTube video mp4 to disc on key connected to the computer
How can convert mp4 to avi divex movie
Performing a clean uninstall and reinstall can help you resolve many issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling RealPlayer by following this link: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23994572
Note: Make sure you delete the RealPlayer folders as mention on the link before reinstalling RealPlayer.
Please note that you may need to re-enable the RealDownloader extension in your web browser as well by following:
After re-installing RealPlayer, please re-download the videos that previously received the “General Error” message.
If the issue persists, please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
Please be informed that RealPlayer converter doesn’t support .AVI conversion. You can convert video files to 3GP, RealVideo, WMV, H.264 for ipod and iphone, H.264 for non-apple devices & .MP4.
Please provide us some more information:
Let us know exactly what happens when you try to transfer the .MP4 videos to disc on key.
The more specific you are, the better we will be able to assist you further.
I choose video I transferred realplayer, click on more-multiple formats-convert-wmv-the create custom device profile-ok
And open to upgrade window 16 plus
I could also move past a USB flash disk on key that appears to me when I click copy
Some file requires Plus feature to convert. Try installing QuickTime/iTunes to enable the necessary codec for RealPlayer to play/convert .mp4 files.
1: QuickTime : http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/
2: iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
After installing QuickTime/iTunes, try play/converting the files through RealPlayer.
If this doesn’t work, send an email to help@real.com.
Has Real given up trying to offer a solution to the MP4 download and play problem. My version is fully up to date but still will not play the files (not older ones in my library or new ones).
Your suggestion to completely uninstall and then re-install is not attractive. I tried that earlier in the summer and had to re-build all my playlists – never again.
…. and what about the inability to download from Dailymotion now – is there no solution for that either ?
Real Player is sadly becoming useless – such a shame
Kindly send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
I too have done everything as instructed, uninstalled and reinstalled the latest (supposedly corrected)version but whilst YouTube videos do now download as Mp4files they still will not play in Realplayer. They do however open and play in Windows Movie Player, but I want to be able to use the trimmer option and converter option that comes with Realplayer. So as far as i am concerned the problem still is not fixed.
If you have RealPlayer 16 check for an update and install it. Then you should be able to download videos from DailyMotion, as well.
Please be informed that, FLV videos will now download as .Mp4 format. This issue has been fixed in the latest build of RealPlayer 16, released on August 21.
If you are currently using RealPlayer Plus 16 or the free version: Please open RealPlayer, click the RealPlayer logo in the upper left, and select Check for Update. You will then be able to update your RealPlayer to the newest build.
Please note that you may need to re-enable the RealDownloader extension in your web browser as well by following this link:
After updating RealPlayer, please re-download the videos that previously didn’t work and play and convert the video using RealPlayer. IF the issue still persist, please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
sorry gave you wrong email first time
This answer is less than useless . It does not answer the problem stated.
Sorry that our previous response didn’t help you. Send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
The answers to date are not helpful at all. MP4 files download but will not play in either Realplayer or Windows Media Player (on Vista).
Dailymotion clips do not download as a playable format (2 small useless files for each clip) so Realplayer 16 has not solved this problem.
My version 16 is up to date but despite assurances above, the problems remain.
Help! ….. or have you given up with the product?
It seems that the videos are protected by DailyMotion. Hence, you can no longer use RealPlayer to download from DailyMotion web site.
Performing a clean uninstall and reinstall can help you resolve many issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling RealPlayer by following this link: https://realnetworks.zendesk.com/entries/23994572
Note: Make sure you delete the RealPlayer folders as mentioned on the link before reinstalling RealPlayer.
After installing RealPlayer follow the steps to enable the RealPlayer Plugin in your web browser,
If this doesn’t work, please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
The downloader is now just downloading .DASH files from youtube. They seem to be useless and cannot be played. Is this the end of the line for RealPlayer?
It looks like you are using older build of RealPlayer. This issue has been fixed in the latest build of RealPlayer 16 (, released on August 21.
If you are using the free version, please open RealPlayer, click the RealPlayer logo in the upper left, and select Check for Update. You will then be able to update your RealPlayer to the newest build.
Please note that you may need to re-enable the RealDownloader extension in your web browser as well by following this link:
After updating RealPlayer, please re-download the videos and play it using RealPlayer.
If this doesn’t work, please send an email to help@real.com, include a brief description of the issue, copy and paste the link to this thread within the email for further assistance.
Yes, RealPlayer PLUS Team…. I’ve been waiting since March of ’13 for the fix. I’ve spent my money on you but you no longer work for me! You’re useless. Where is the fix.? My cds are stored in Windows Media Player, so if i can no longer download my videos to RP, why have it???? Hey people, where’s the fix. AND why did it take you SOOOOOO long to admit to me on the phone that there was a YT compatibility problem now? You knew it. I’m thinking you will never work your way around this because YT does not want you to be compatible with it; afterall, you can burn these videos (if you can download them…). You won’t have a fix, will you????? HONESTY, PLEASE! Anyone else, is there a program that will download videos from YT and burn them? I would pay more than RP Plus $ to be able to accomplish this task.
I can imagine how upsetting it is to wait so long for .MP4 fix.
I’m happy to inform that a compatibility issue was preventing some .MP4 files from playing in RealPlayer. Essentially, the files that are being downloaded are not actually MP4s but a new streaming format that was being misidentified as MP4.
This issue has been fixed in the latest build of RealPlayer 16, released on August 21.
Since you are a paid customer you are entitled to live support. I’ve sent a message to the email address associated with your account. Please respond and we’ll go from there.
Have a bunch of old mp4 videos, that Real Player used to play. I’m currently using (again), distribution R76END. I had at one time, the newfangled Realplayer Cloud. After multiple starts, it would sometimes work. Maybe. Thus the reason I reverted back to a previous version.
In the past, those old MP4 videos worked; now the video plays, but not the audio. Do I need to revert to Realplayer 14, or 13? I re-emphasize: These videos USED to play, including the audio. On Real Player.
Thanks for your time. I like using Real, because I am able to rename, and thus categorize stuff. I am now using an Asus F55U, with 8.1, AMD dual-core processors. All the rest of the stuff going on is magic to me. I’m computer illiterate. 😉
By default, RealPlayer can play RealAudio, RealVideo, and MPEG files. It can also play other media types if the appropriate plug-ins and codecs (compression/decompression systems) are installed.
However, RealPlayer cannot play files that your computer does not recognize. To install the codecs required for your system to recognize other types of files, download and install the media player or its codec package that was originally designed to play back that media.
Try installing free codec pack like Klite and QuickTime Player. Then you can play the videos.
Klite Codec Pack: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/KLite-Codec-Pack_Full/1094057842/3
QuickTime: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
If you need further assistance, please send an email to help@real.com