Apps make everything better, but they can quickly become an expensive proposition. The good news is that in some instances you can share some of those apps with family members. It’s easier than you might think using Apple Family Sharing. Although Google recently released a family plan feature, it’s focused on setting up a single payment option and not designed to share apps with other family members. We’ll take you through what you need to know about Apple’s Family Sharing and how to set it up for your family.
How to Get Started Sharing Apps with Family Members
Prior to the release of Apple Family Sharing, people would either purchase multiple versions of an app or use a single Apple ID account to login to multiple devices and then individually download apps to each iPhone and iPad they had in the family. The whole process sounds expensive and cumbersome. Thankfully, it’s easier than ever to share apps, movies, music, books, and TV shows across iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV devices. Once you have Family Sharing setup on everyone’s device you can share photo albums, calendars, your location, and even use it to find someone’s missing device. There are some limitations of course, for example not all developers support this feature, all devices need to be running at least iOS 8 and you can only have a total of six members on the account.
When setting up Family Sharing you’ll need to designate an organizer. This person is in charge of the master account and can invite up to five additional family members to join. Yes, even if you have kids under 13 they can now have their own accounts, too. After setting everything up in a master account, when family members join the group their devices are automatically set up. The master account is also responsible for providing a credit card, so all purchases are charge to that account. Don’t worry you can still control their ability to purchase apps, movies, books, and music by enabling the Ask to Buy feature.
How to Setup Family Sharing Apps on Apple Devices
It sounds pretty good to be able to share purchases with the rest of the family. In just a few minutes you can have it all setup and running. Here’s how to do it:
1. Tap Settings on your Apple device and then choose iCloud.
2. At the top of the iCloud settings, tap the option at the top of the screen called Set Up Family Sharing…. You’ll be taken to the Family Sharing set up screen.

3. Since you’re the first person setting up this feature, you’re the Family Organizer. You can add a photo by tapping Add Photo. You can take a new photo or choose one you already have by tapping Choose Photo. Pick the photo from your album and then tapp Choose. Your photo will appear in the circle on the Set Up Family Sharing screen.

4. Tap Continue at the bottom of the screen. The next screen explains that you will be sharing iTunes, iBooks, and App Store purchases made using your ID with other Family Members. If you agree, tap Continue.
5. Next, the payment information you already have associated with your Apple ID will appear on the screen. This is the payment method that will be used to pay for all Apple iTunes, iBooks, and App Store purchases made by family members you invite once they accept the invitation. If you agree, tap Continue.
6. Family Sharing also includes the ability to share your location with family members in the group, so they know where you are at all times. If you wish to activate this feature, tap Share Your Location. If you’d rather not share that information, tap Not Now.

7. It’s time to add family members. Tap Add Family Member… on the next screen. Type in the email address of the person you’d like to add. If you already have this information on your device, it will auto guess the information. Once complete tap Next. You’ll be prompted to input the password associated with your Apple ID account. Repeat the process for each family member you want to add (you can invite up to 5 people).

How Family Members Add Family Sharing to Their Apple Devices
Once you invite family members to share apps, they need to accept the invitation. Note: You can also share apps with other Apple devices. If you’re trying to invite your kid who has an Android phone, it’s not going to work. Here’s how to accept the invitation and set up app sharing.
1. Open the email your received inviting your Family Sharing and click the Get Started button. Note: It’s best to open the invitation on an iPhone or iPad.

2. It will automatically open Family Sharing in the Settings on your device. Tap Accept at the lower right corner of the screen.

3. The next screen will ask if you want to share your location. If you wish to activate this feature, tap Share Your Location. If you’d rather not share that information, tap Not Now.

That’s it; you’re all set up to start sharing apps with family members.
How to Set Up Ask to Buy Feature
Congrats! You’ve set up Family Sharing, but it’s tied to your credit card. You might not want your kids to go on a shopping spree. No problem, with the Ask to Buy feature you’ll get the option to approve or deny all purchases. It’s easy to setup.
1. In the Family Sharing settings on your device tap on the family member that you want to manage their purchasing power.
2. The Ask to Buy screen will appear. Simply, tap Ask Permission to Purchases. That’s it! You’ll be notified every time they’d like to purchase an item from iTunes, iBooks, or the App Store.

Now you’re ready to start sharing apps with your family and it really takes no time at all. Apps, TV shows, movies, and books no longer need to be on separate devices. With the Ask to Buy Feature, you’ll always know what your kids are buying and if it’s appropriate.