Moms Give Thanks to RealTimes this Holiday Season!
The response from families to RealTimes has been inspiring. Moms have been doing amazing stuff with their photo and video memories so far, and with Thanksgiving and the holiday season upon us, there’s been a cornucopia of great new stories to share.
Here are four mommy bloggers who couldn’t help but shout out their wonderful experience! We can’t thank them enough for their kind words!
Ellen Schmidt of Baby Meets City
Ellen has always been a fan of the twinkling lights of New York City. She knows that while you might not get the home space there you’d get elsewhere, every day is a new adventure filled with “I love NYC!” moments. She blogs about raising her girls in the Big Apple and reviewing children’s literature based in New York.
Of course, when you try to capture every moment of your kids’ lives like Ellen does, you tend to build up a stockpile of photos and videos. Even a day with the family at a football game and playing in the park can be filled with hundreds of little moments. RealTimes made it easier for her to share memories, plus store and sort everything she captures!
Ellen calls RealTimes “full of features but not overwhelming,” with a “final product [that looks] amazing and professional.” Check out her full review and some of the amazing RealTimes Stories she shared!
Nicole Duggan of The Activity Mom
Nicole, founder of The Activity Mom is an elementary school teacher, a mother of two great kids, and an avid blogger. Not only has she helped moms everywhere discover activities to do with their kids, she’s build a team of mom bloggers who share their stories as well.
With RealTimes, Nicole was able to share more than a few great memories, while showing how to make a Thanksgiving centerpiece, seasonal cards and invitations, and other great craft projects with your own kids. Seriously, her kids are too cute to handle.
Kristy Still of Mom Hates Cooking
Kristy is a mom who gets that not every mommy out there is a natural-born chef. When you’re struggling for recipes that the family, and especially picky kids can enjoy, she’s your guide. She helps mothers everywhere with menu planning, because no one likes pasta 5 days in a row!
Kristy also loves her kids when she doesn’t have to feed them, of course, and though she’s not a professional photographer, she enjoys taking pictures of them and watching how they’ve grown over time. RealTimes was “right up her ally,” since “in just a few short minutes, you can create a beautiful video,” just like that! She captures the smells and tastes of the season while getting the kids ready for Halloween festivals.
Kristy just launched her “Favorite Things Giveaway,” which includes amazing prizes including a $100 gift card for RealTimes membership! Be sure to check it out!
Kristin Ruiz of Our Ordinary Life
Kristin knows what it’s like to have an unordinary childhood, having gone through the foster care system when she was young. She took it upon herself to not only giver her kids a wonderful, ordinary life, but also to document it through pictures and videos on her blog so they’d have the cherished memories for their entire lives. Plus, it helps her and her husband keep their family around the world up to date, and show other mommies and daddies ways to find joy in every day, no matter how normal.
She has found RealTimes to be a big help in running her blog and keeping her life organized, and says it “let me bring all my pictures to life.” She’s already started capturing wonderful moments with it, and is ready to share it with everyone!
For all the mommies present and future out there, RealTimes is mom-approved to help you save and organize all those photos and videos you take of your kids, and finding interesting ways to share a bunch at once that’s a little more unique than a simple Facebook post.
We’re grateful to all the moms who have said kind things about RealTimes, and hope to continue making they and their family’s lives easier to share and enjoy. Try it out here!
– The RealTimes team