Learn How to Redeem a RealTimes Coupon Code
Are you jumping for joy because you received a coupon code for a Premium or Unlimited RealTimes account, but don’t know how to redeem it? If so, follow these steps to redeem your code:
In order to redeem a RealTimes coupon code for additional storage space and upgraded features you must already have registered a RealTimes account. You can sign in for a free account by downloading a RealTimes app or on Real.com.
Regardless of which device you use RealTimes on, you can only redeem the coupon codes through the website at the following URL: real.com/coupons. If you’re not already signed in, you will get this screen first:
Once you sign in, the next page will then ask you for your code:
Once you enter your code and hit ENTER, your account will be updated with the storage space and the upgraded features will be unlocked. The level of upgraded features will depend on whether your coupon code was for a RealTimes Premium account or a RealTimes Unlimited account. Your storage space will be in your account for the period the code is offered. Some are annual and some are for the length you hold your account.
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